The senior management team has a wealth of experience coming from retail, real estate and finance backgrounds.
Collectively we form a highly effective team with deep understanding and expertise in retail property and outlets.
As a modern business we understand and provide a flexible and reactive approach demanded by our capital and brand partners in the ever changing economic environment.
Dan’s role covers all aspects of company strategy, structure and new business initiatives, client and corporate relationships and management.
Dan’s role covers all aspects of company strategy, structure and new business initiatives, client and corporate relationships and management. He is a Chartered Surveyor and also has executive responsibility for overseeing the retail operational and facilities management and compliance departments within the business along with development/and asset management projects across the portfolio.
Martin is a Chartered Certified Accountant and Corporate Treasurer and manages the team responsible for the financial management and compliance of the assets including Business Planning, reporting and performance analysis.
Martin is a Chartered Certified Accountant and Corporate Treasurer and manages the team responsible for the financial management and compliance of the assets including Business Planning, reporting and performance analysis. He also oversees the financial appraisals and projections for new asset acquisitions and developments.
Christine is a Chartered Surveyor and has executive responsibility for all leasing activity and retailer relationships across the portfolio.
Christine is a Chartered Surveyor and has executive responsibility for all leasing activity and retailer relationships across the portfolio. She leads a busy inhouse leasing team identifying and negotiating all new lettings and lease renewals across all centres and development schemes. Christine and her team work closely with brand partners to understand their space requirements which includes assisting brands with units upsizes/downside and relocations.
Collaboration is our default way of doing things. As a business we have created an environment where working and contributing in the round has proven itself time after time. It allows objectivity, aids problem solving and ensures high levels of empowerment for a more rewarding working life.
We apply intelligence by accumulating and growing our own knowledge and using the data tools at our disposal. Across our diverse portfolio we have the advantage of deploying technology that is appropriate and measured rather than a one size fits all approach.
We act sustainably remaining conscious of our responsibilities at all times. With our own ESG awards we have also inspired our stakeholders to embrace the changes required for a better future for everyone.
We ply our trade with integrity, safety and wellbeing uppermost in our thoughts. We try to be a caring organisation with a strong family feel and the policies and procedures required to meet the demands of a changing workplace.
We behave and think commercially acting and making decisions as if it were our own money. Ultimately we are all governed by an asset’s business plan which ensures high levels of astuteness in our decision making and governance.